+ Inspiré X Kristjana S Williams - June 2023, Narbonne
+ CIRDOC Exhibition, Animaux totémiques April - May 2022, Béziers
+ Ink demonstration for teachers at CREDD, Vailhan 2020
+ Expo at Atelier YLB , Pézenas 2020
+ Featured twice with Saatchiart first with my 'New Beginnings' works second with 'AFROdisiac'
+ Exhibition at Cadre et Plus, Gallery in Pézenas
+ SURGE staffing management USA, print collection
+ Inspiré Galerie d'Art - Azille
+ Artwork shown at Armory Artworks, New York founded by Artbox.Project, Switzerland
+ Solo exhibition at Chateau Carrasses, Quarante
+ Solo exhibition at La Meridienne, Béziers
+ First Prize at the 45th Rendez Vous des Peintres en Languedoc, Murviel lès Béziers 2017
+ Le Coin d'Art - Olonzac - exhibition
+ C.L.A.P. Galerie d'Art, Paraza - exhibition and installation
+ 11th Salon Estival d'Arts Plastiques, Clairmont L' Herault
+ Art Arena New York Magazine, interview, collection and Artists directory
+ Designer collection for Vida
+ Festival Les Papillons 2017, Carpentras - Selection jury
+ Grand prix du salon de Boujan 2017
+ Salon de Colombiers - Beaux Arts Béziers - Invited artist
+ Salon de Cazouls-les-Béziers - Gold Medal for mixed media
+ Les couleurs du Printemps' Exposition at Gallerie Paul Sibra - March 2017
+ 'Mouvement' exhibition at 'Espace d'Art Contemporain de Bédarieux
+ 'Celebrations' exhibition at Le Coin d'Art in Olonzac
+ Biennale d'Art Contemporain 2016 'Createurs de Notre temps'
+ 'A prize winner in the 44th 'Rendez Vous des Peintres en Languedoc'

+ Office du Tourism du Grande Narbonne, Le Somail
+ 'Centre d'Art & Culture', Château St Jean de Grézan, LaurensJury prize, Contest of de Peinture Tauromachique - Valras-Plage
+ Grand prize in the 60th Salon International of Plastic Arts - Béziers
+ Published in vedette ‘Contemporary Art of Excellence Book 2016
+ First place in 60 street painting competitions (3 saisons)
+ Château de Perdiguier - Maraussan
+ ‘Art Fusion’ Palais de Congrès, Perpignan
+ Gallery D’Oc - Lespignan
+ Blend’Art Galerie - Narbonne
+ Gare-Expo, Lamalou
+ Bézieres Plage, Chateau Vaisseries - Béziers
+ Prémiere Foire Contemporaine - Colombieres
+ Chateau Abbaye de Cassan - Roujan
+ Chateau Laurens
+ Abbaye Sylva Plana - Laurens
+ Dream Street Galerie - Le Lavandou
+ Galerie 37 - Vailhan
+ Maison Mirondela - Pézenas
+ Hôtel des Barons de Lacoste - Pézenas
+ Expositions France 2007 - 2016
+ Various conceptual works for restaurants, clubs and bars: This includes posters, signs, + logo design, menus and murals paintings. Dressing windows and wedding decorations. + Touristic maps and other advertising.
+ Bartons - Brighton
+ North Lanes Gallery - Brighton
+ Gallery 47 - Brighton
+ The Black Sheep Gallery - Brighton
+ Haywards Heath Gallery - Haywards Heath
+ The Institute of Contemporary Art - London
+ Expositions UK 1991 - 2002
+ 1989 - 1992 BA hons Wood, metals, ceramics & plastics, University of Brighton’
+ 1988 'Nina Breddal Prize' - for jewellery
+ 1987 - 1989 HND Contemporary Jewellery, Epsom school of Art & Design
+ 1986- 1987 Art Foundation course at H.C.H.E. Hull